Friday, Day 11

Friday brought on another day that Archie did not take any naps, hopefully he will sleep through the night. He got out of bed to sit in the chair, sat up for lunch and went for a walk. He is not as grouchy as yesterday which is a plus. Archie said his headache and neck soreness has lessened quite a but. The doctor said there was no change and nothing to report. A CT scan will take place in a couple of days.

Super Nurse was back again, thankfully his last day because I do not think my feet can take it. The one good of Super Nurse is that he is able to Archie and his mom's questions:
1) How will we know when the vasospams are done? The headache will go away
2) Can the vasospasms stop and then start back up again? No
3) When they have surgery how will that work? They will cut a half moon shape in his head, cut the same shape in his skull, clip the aneurysm, put the piece of skull back in and then sew him up.
I did get out for a little while to get a pedicure while Archie's Mom and Jerry stayed with him. It was a nice break and I was able to get gas for my car during the day as well.

* Thank you to Dave, Jennifer C., Hillary, Karen, Casey, Margaret & Brad for coming to visit Archie.

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