Friday, Day 25

This morning Archie was able to use the left side of his body- he wiggled his toes, fingers and was using his whole mouth instead of just his right side. The only challenge was he was abnormally sleepy this morning during the question part of the vitals. The nurse would ask him a question and he would answer, then he would fall back asleep before the nurse could ask the next question so the nurse would have to wake him up agsin. After the doctor came in he decided that the sleepiness could be from fluid buildup in his brain or the spasming getting worse. So in order to correct this they put a drain in his head to alleviate the fluid buildup and sent him for a CT angiogram to check the spasms. The CT angiogram showed that there was not change for now and that he has one again tomorrow morning.

After the drain was put in and the CT scan, Archie was up the rest of the afternoon. He was talking a little bit and just looking around. His right eye is still black and swollen shut but the left eye is now able to open and is only slightly bruised now. The right side if his face is still really swollen and bruised.

At one point this afternoon, one of the staff members offered me a cookie and I declined. A little while later Archie told me he would like a cookie. I said unfortunately he is not able to because he is on a liquid diet. He asked me how long it would be until he can eat solids and I said a day or two. He told me "that sucks" which I must agree.
Keep on praying, it is working!

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