Friday, Day 46

Last night was interesting to say the last.  Archie was up most of the night with stomach issues and cramping.  We think he has a bug of some sort so now the Stewart household have been quarintined.   Archie was not feeling well at all this morning so we did not do a walk this morning.  He hardly ate anything at all and I could not get him to drink anything.  My mom said we need to probably put him on a clear liquid diet to help with his stomach.  Around 11 am I got him to do a short walk (3 houses and back).  Then for lunch he ate 1/4 of a bowl of soup and a couple bites of jello.  Thankfully we had a general doctor appointment this afternoon at 2:15 pm.  So we spent about an hour and a half at the doctor's office.  We discussed his cough, his stomach issues and everything that has gone on in the past 6 weeks.  The doctor wanted to do a urine sample, blood sample and a chest x-ray to make sure everything was working correctly.  Archie is dehydrated which is really no surprise since he spent the night on the toilet and had not had much to drink.  We are still waiting on the blood results, the doctor wanted to check his red blood cell counts, white blood cell counts and just make sure everything in the blood is looking right.  We are going for the chest xray tomorrow morning at 9 am.  The doctor wanted to wait for the neurologist appointment to check for seizure before we make any decisions about anything right now.  The doctor did say that an occupational therapy evaluation would be a good choice and they would help with the decision about going back to work in regards to anything besides computer work.

Due to the bug we postponed speech therapy to Monday night because Andrea has kiddos at the house and I did not want to exposed her to anything like what he has.  Monday, we also go to the neurosurgeon to get Archie's stitches out.

This weekend will be pretty low key and I am going to still try to get Archie out walking 3 times a day but we will see how he is feeling tomorrow.

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