Feeling a Little Under the Weather, Day 93

I have been feeling a little under the weather, it started on Monday and had not gotten better.  I have some crazy drainage going down my throat which is causing a cough to break it up.  I can breathe through my nose.  So after urging from Archie (him telling me if it was him I would force him to go to the doctor) I scheduled a last minute appointment today.  I was hoping to schedule it on Friday but the doctors were both booked.  Archie and I headed to Ft. Worth this morning with Archie driving to work on a client's house.  I called for an appointment and they had a 1:30 pm appointment so we left at noon to make it back in time.  The doctor said I have an ear infection and my nose was not looking good.  The doctor was a little surprised when we got there because normally it is Archie there to see her, not me.  I am just glad it is happening now and that I made it during the hospital stint and during Archie's recovery before I started feeling bad.  I got an antibiotic and a nasal spray to try to get it cleared up.  Archie cooked dinner tonight for me.  Tomorrow I am headed back to work and Archie is going to Plano to work so he will not be driving too far.

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